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Compact and powerful circular fixtures in a contemporary “techy” hive pattern of LEDs that focus light to create additional architectural interest and beauty dimension.
Multi-purpose indoor and outdoor, and perfect for wall washing and area lighting, including architectural, sculptural and landscape lighting, retail, trade, hospitality and more. The series is available in monochrome, tunable white and RGBW versions.


Superb quality lens in a hive of 12-48 LEDs, available in a wide range of quality optics & beam angles (narrow, medium, wide and oval), that deliver endless options to play with light and add impact to the design of any object.

Robust body

Mechanically robust IP-67 rated aluminum water resistant body that provides full protection against water and dust.

Heat sink

Exceptional durability and product lifetime thanks to an advanced heat sink passive cooling system that protects the body from overheating and allows it to deliver high power lumen without compromising on design.

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Anti-Vandal Cage HIVE

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Series \ Hive

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Anti-Vandal Cage HIVE

W 260 * H 255mm

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